Ms. Inge Relph

Inge Relph is a strategist, peacebuilder and innovator focussed on putting a human face to security and sustainability. She is the Head of Sustainability & Strategic Relationships of the ERA Foundation. She led the Sustainability practice of Swiss Fintech Lykke Corp, and advises on strategic digital finance innovations like blockchain and tokenisation for social and natural capital markets and how responsible finance can be mobilized to achieve the Environmental and Social Development Goals. A member of the G20 Sustainable Finance Innovation Inquiry, she has held executive positions in strategy, restructuring, marketing and regulatory affairs with blue chip companies like British Airways and British Gas. After co- founding the London Chamber of Commerce Women in Business group, she went on to co-found the Arab International Women’s Forum, a platform to build business and understanding in the Middle East.

After a move into international development and peacebuilding, she was appointed Senior Policy Advisor to ‘The Elders’, a group that included President Carter, Mary Robinson, Kofi Annan and Gro Brundtland, during the landmark SDG and COP21 negotiations. Having lived in Egypt and mentored women leaders through conflicts in Iraq, Libya and Syria, she remains motivated by the importance of directing the best to the poorest, especially women for global economic growth and stability. Inge has thus started an impact fund to help bring energy to the billion + without electricity. Party to the Vatican Consultations for Laudato Si and facilitating the annual high level Global Foundation Business meeting at the Vatican, Inge is convinced that leaders need to be nurtured from within and has led many corporate events on values driven leadership.


Prof. Dato’ Dr. Azmi Omar


Mr. Omar Selim